What is EMDR Basic Training?

EMDR Basic Training, offered virtually and in-person, is provided by EMDRIA-Approved Trainers and Consultants. It's designed for mental health clinicians, graduate students, licensed practitioners, or those on a licensure track with trauma experience. Carol, with nearly a decade of expertise, supports therapists in expanding their EMDR knowledge and healing abilities, empowering clients to recover from trauma burdens. 


Are you a mental health clinician aiming to incorporate EMDR into your practice? Here's who is eligible:

      • Licensed mental health clinicians with a Master’s degree in the field can integrate EMDR into their practice.
      • It's crucial to work with clients during training to apply new skills and seek feedback during consultation.
      • If you are not yet licensed, you can still pursue EMDR training under the guidance of a clinical supervisor.
      • Graduate students who have completed core coursework and are actively engaged in a practice setting are also eligible.
      • If you work at a non-profit or government agency with a full caseload, inquire about our discounted rates for non-profit agencies
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  • Because this training includes an experiential component, participants must be prepared to work on your own personal issues in practice sessions.

  • Participants will be expected to begin the use of EMDR Therapy with at least two cases during the course of this training to be given a certificate of completion.

  • Both virtual and in-person participants need computer access. 

Virtual trainings provide the same valuable learning experience using curriculum required by EMDRIA through the Learning Management System. Participants in virtual trainings meet via Zoom and need reliable and secure access to a computer or tablet device. We will guide you through this process to support a positive training experience.


Training vs

EMDR Basic Training is the first step for becoming EMDR Certified but being an EMDR trained clinician does not certify you in EMDR. You can begin using EMDR Therapy once you begin the basic training. EMDR Certification is a separate step after completing basic training and is an important step you may choose to further your professional development,


EMDR therapy is a comprehensive psychotherapy that accelerates the treatment of a wide range of pathologies and self-esteem issues related to disturbing events and present life conditions. This interactional, standardized approach has been empirically tested in over 20 randomized controlled studies with trauma patients, and hundreds of published case reports evaluating a considerable range of presenting complaints, including depression, anxiety, phobias, excessive grief, somatic conditions and addictions.


EMDR therapy is guided by the Adaptive Information Processing model which addresses the unprocessed memories that appear to set the basis for a wide range of dysfunction. A number of neurophysiological studies have documented the rapid post treatment EMDR therapy effects. EMDR Therapy strengthens your ability to  work with your clients whether they are ready for EMDR reprocessing or not.


In this comprehensive 50+ hours of training, participants will learn how to bring EMDR Therapy to their clinical practices. EMDR Basic Training prepares you to practice EMDR therapy. 

Through lecture, demonstrations, case consultation, articles, videos and practice in a supportive environment, trainees will learn:
  • Basic EMDR therapy procedures, protocols and techniques including target development with the 8-phases and 3-Prong Protocol of EMDR Therapy

  • Client selection criteria for the safe use of EMDR Therapy with a wide range of diagnostic categories including PTSD, mood disorders, and anxiety disorders. and how to use EMDR therapy to treat problems of daily life such as low self-esteem, relationship difficulties, loneliness, anxiety, depression and addictions

  • Introduction into the full range of applications of EMDR Therapy when working with children, addiction, acute trauma and PTSD to longer-term EMDR therapy for challenging clinical cases like complex trauma and dissociative disorders

  • Techniques for working with blocked processing and intense emotional reactions and effective case conceptualization

CE Learning Objectives


  • Apply the underlying Adaptive Information Processing theory of EMDR Therapy and other theoretical, brain functioning, and research issues

  • Assess the appropriateness of using EMDR Therapy with your patients

  • Conceptualize a case from an EMDR Therapy and trauma viewpoint

  • Integrate EMDR Therapy into a comprehensive treatment plan

  • Develop skill in using all eight phases of the EMDR Therapy treatment method

  • Apply the target sequencing plan

  • Identify the three stage standard protocol

  • Identify, select, and develop appropriate target issues for use with an EMDR Therapy protocol safeguards

  • Identify soothing and grounding techniques

  • Identify techniques to teach patients to tolerate and modulate affect

  • Apply resource development and installation

  • Apply responses to certain resistances

  • Identify applications of EMDR Therapy to various patient problems

  • Be aware of Identify clinician limitations

  • Make use of on-going supervision and case consultation

  • Between the first and second parts of the course, and in order to continue to the second part, each participant will participate in a total of 4-6 hours of consultation

Part 2

  • Identify special protocols to use with specific patient groups and specific patient problems

  • Identify additional techniques to handle looping, resistance and other problems

  • Identify therapeutic and cognitive interweaves

  • Identify applications of EMDR Therapy to dissociative, Axis II, and other disorders

  • Integrate EMDR Therapy into your current treatment approach

  • Be further cognizant of Identify safety issues

  • Consider legal, ethical issues

  • Identify practitioner problems with the method

  • Further practice with clients

  • Continue to make use of on-going supervision and case consultation with Instructor and with peers

  • Demonstrate proficiency in using the EMDR Therapy

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